Music Videos of
the original Bakery Session recordings of AT LONG LAST LOVE and TOO DARN HOT

A.M.P.A.S.©® Mark
Performs at the Academy Award's Governor's Ball
 The Bakery Session CD 'Hockney Cover' ORDER
 Click here to view Mark's Favorite performances
"I HAPPEN TO LIKE NEW YORK" Reviews: "In a future-oriented culture of ours, one is
tempted to wonder where Mark Copeland will go from here. However, that is not
necessary. As this CD makes abundantly clear, his latest accomplishment is quite
real and large in terms of the present." -Johnny Adams, "And All That
Jazz" Radio Host, Carmel, California. "There are muses at work here. Deities named Porter, Gershwin, and Mercer
nod in approval. "I Happen to Like New York" is an exciting new album from
Mark Copeland. Listen, savor, and let Mark's performances give voice to your own
heart". -Nick Gerard, Music Host, KSRF Radio, Los Angeles and San Diego ORDER I Happen to Like New York
 Mark performs for Rob Thomas' wedding Click here for the story!
The Mark Copeland at
 Official Crew T-Shirt!
 Click here to find out how you could get one!
"Mark Copeland Live in Concert" MP3's Friends are welcome to any
and all of the recordings below for their personal, non-commercial use. Simply click on a song title. (Having trouble
playing the songs?: Right Click on a Song Title and select "Save Target
Bakery Session" MP3's (Having trouble
playing the songs?: Right Click on a Song Title and select "Save Target
Happen to Like New York" MP3's (Having trouble
playing the songs?: Right Click on a Song Title and select "Save Target
"Zing!" MP3's (Having trouble
playing the songs?: Right Click on a Song Title and select "Save Target
are welcome to any and all of the above MP3's for their personal, non-commercial use. "Vocalist Supreme!" Read the reviews by
legendary jazz Disc Jockey Johnny Adams, ("AND ALL THAT
JAZZ") as heard on KNRY Radio, Monterey, California - Home of the Monterey Jazz
 Mark performs at Rob Thomas' Wedding Photos courtesy of Yitzhak Dalal

"OU BALLE"! Above, in Cape Town , South Africa, the
"OU BALLE" 10 -Pin Bowling team, wearing their "Mark Copeland at Caesars
Palace" T-Shirts (customized with their own special "Ou Balle" logo on the
left side - see picture below). Johann Louw writes, "that's Marius on
the left, Alfred in front, Rob at the back, and myself on the right-hand side. Our
latest scores are:- Marius "The Champ" 184 Johann 173 Alfred 168 Rob 153"

Below, Mark croons a tune at the Cinegrill. Hollywood, California Photo by Elizabeth Barondes

Mark Copeland at Home Photo by Isabel Gomes Isabel/Lawrence Studios
 Mark Copeland's Cadillac Eldorado
MarkCopeland.com & SpotRecords.com designed by Robert Redding and Mark Copeland
If you are experiencing any problems with
this site, please do not hesitate to contact the webmaster.
Mark Copeland is not a paid spokesperson for any tobacco company.
